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About the Host

Kevin Shorner-Johnsn

Dr. Kevin Shorner-Johnson is Professor of Music Education and the Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities at Elizabethtown College. His scholarship focuses on the intersection of peacebuilding and music education. As a teacher, he has applied his interests in ethics, spirituality, and peacebuilding to approach music coursework in ways that are rooted within an Anabaptist heritage of peacebuilding, intentional community, and ethical discernment. His work has been published in the Philosophy of Music Education Review, Journal of Medical Humanities, Music Educators Journal, International Journal of Music Education, Humane Education for the Common Good, and Advances in Music Education Research. Dr. Shorner-Johnson's most recent scholarship with Dr. Martha Gonzalez and Dr. Dan Shevock in The Oxford Handbook of Care in Music Education, investigates how indigenous notions of care and convivencia might recolor our relationships with each other and the ecological world. In 2018, Dr. Shorner-Johnson was named a "Peacemaker in our Midst" by the World Affairs Council of Harrisburg. His on-the-ground peacebuilding work focuses on building capacity and community within Central Pennsylvania Latina/o communities and using the arts to affirm and embrace the fullness of Puerto Rican identity.

Selected Presentations

Shorner-Johnson, K. (Fall, 2018). Intimate Caring: Ruth as a Story of Peacebuilding. Presented at the Elizabethtown United Church of Christ: Elizabethtown, PA. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13060.99206


Shorner-Johnson, K. (Fall, 2018). Forms of Anxiety: Using neuroscience to transcend fear and worry. Presented at the Pennsylvania Music Educators District 7 Professional Development Day: Manheim, Pennsylvania.


Shorner-Johnson, K. (Summer, 2018). Searching for the Common Good. Presented at the International Society for Music Education Conference: Baku, Azerbaijan.


Shorner-Johnson, K. (Summer, 2018). Reclaiming Musical Idleness from Colonized Christian Notions of the Sin of Sloth. Presented at the International Society for Music Education Conference: Baku, Azerbaijan.


Shorner-Johnson, K. (Fall, 2017). Advocacy in 2017: Articulating the connection between arts and democracy. Presented at the Pennsylvania Arts Education Network, Arts and Education Symposium: Camp Hill, PA.


Shorner-Johnson, K. (Summer, 2017). Interrogating Violence within Formal and Practical Means-end Rationality: Musicking as Peacebuilding. Presented at MayDay Group Colloquium 29, Thinking Critically About Institutions & Individuals: Gettysburg, PA.



Shorner-Johnson, K. (Spring, 2017). Peacebuilding, justice, and music education. Pre- sented at Gettysburg College: Gettysburg, PA.


Shorner-Johnson, K. (Fall, 2015). Justice as visibility: Implications for education and music education from Haitian study. Presented at the Elizabethtown College Writer’s House: Elizabethtown, PA.

Selected Publications

Shorner-Johnson, K., Gonzalez, M., \& Shevock, D. (Fall, 2023). Convivencias and a web of care. In Karin Hendricks (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Care and Music Education (pp. xx-xx). Oxford University Press.


Shorner-Johnson, K. (Spring, 2020). Doing the common good work: Rebalancing individual ‘preparation for’ with collectivist being. In Iris M. Yob & Estelle Jorgensen (Eds.), Humane Music Education for the Common Good (pp. 54-65). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.


Shorner-Johnson, K. (Spring, 2019). "Music and the Sin of Sloth: The Gendered Articulation of Worthy Musical Time in Early American Music." Philosophy of Music Education Review. 27(1): 51-67. doi: 10.2979/philmusieducrevi.27.1.05


Shorner-Johnson, K. (Fall, 2018). "Music Major Anxiety." Pennsylvania Music Educators Journal.


Finley-Bowman, R., Shorner-Johnson, K. (Spring, 2018). "Artistic citizenship through theatre education: The new Pennsylvania Theatre Endorsement at Elizabethtown College." Pennsylvania Music Educators Journal.


Shorner-Johnson, K. (2017). "Peacebuilding as vocation: The journey of one program towards mutuality, agency, and imagination." Voices of Vocation: Purposeful Life Work, Elizabethtown College.


Shorner-Johnson, K. (2017). "Visible, legitimate, and beautiful justice: A case study of music education formalization within a Haitian NGO." International Journal of Music Education. doi: 10.1177/0255761416667464


Shorner-Johnson, K. (Spring, 2016). "The heroic justice of grammatical and stylistic decisions." Retrieved from justice-of-grammatical-and-stylistic-decisions/


Shorner-Johnson, K., & Moret, L. (2015). Curricular Planning in Music Education: An Exploration of Teacher Educator Beliefs. In M. Campbell & L. Thompson (Eds.), Advances in Music Education Research Vol. 6 (pp. 21-44). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


Shorner-Johnson, K. (June, 2013). "Building evidence for music education advocacy." Music Educators Journal.

Humane Music Education for the Common Good


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Dr. Kevin Shorner-Johnson

Music & Peacebuilding

Elizabethtown College

1 Alpha Dr.

Elizabethtown, PA 17022


© 2019 Music & Peacbuilding.

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