About Music & Peacebuilding
Music teachers enter the profession with a deep sense of commitment and calling to build lives and communities. Journey with us as we explore deep questions at the intersection of the sacred and secular work of peacebuilding-focused teaching through blog posts and podcasts.
Elizabethtown College
Based in Elizabethtown College, the Music & Peacebuilding site explores deep questions of music and peacebuilding at the intersection of the sacred and secular work. In May of 2020, Elizabethtown College became the first college in the world to offer a Master of Music Education that is rooted in World Music Drumming and the College's heritage of peacebuilding. To find out more about our Master of Music Education program visit www.etown.edu/mme

Dr. Kevin Shorner-Johnson is director of music education at Elizabethtown College. His scholarship focuses on the intersection of peacebuilding and music education. As a teacher, he has applied his interests in ethics, spirituality, and peacebuilding to approach music coursework in ways that are rooted within an Anabaptist heritage of peacebuilding, intentional community, and ethical discernment. Dr. Shorner-Johnson's most recent scholarship will be highlighted in an international book that approaches and critiques the United Nation’s temporal constructions in education policy. His on-the-ground peacebuilding work focuses on building capacity and community within Central Pennsylvania Latina/o communities and using the arts to affirm and embrace the fullness of Puerto Rican identity.